Christmas 2024/25
What's going on here? See Part 1 for rationale.
This is Part 2: Iowa through Pennsylvania.
Part 3 should wrap things up. It will be out later.
I've actually been to the Legacy Village store (pictured) with Thatcher. Thatcher seems to be going abroad for a while, so he will have to look elsewhere for Apple Stores. It is our hope that Thatcher will send colour photos of Apple Stores and any other interesting retail outlets (or organs, or ecclesiastical things) on which his eyes might rest whilst upon his journey.
1. We're not in Kansas any more at all.
2. A lot of the Apple Stores so far have had creative names, or at least yuppie names. "Fashion" is popular as in "Chandler Fashion Center (AZ), "Fashion Island" (CA) and "Fashion Valley" (CA). "Gardens" also seems to pop up from time to time like "Victoria Gardens" (CA) and "Gardens Mall" (FL). Here, in Maryland, things are simpler. Annapolis Mall is on a street called Annapolis Mall in Annapolis. How Annapolisy.
3. In the Mall of America!
4. Josquin bought his iPod here.
5. A store called "Fashion Show"
6. A store called "Walt Whitman." How would Walt Whitman feel about having an Apple store named after him? Apples are something Whitman seemed to enjoy.
After writing he would pull an apple out of his coat pocket and pull out a knife from his pants pocket." Willets recalled that the knife was an unusual one - handmade, with a large blade and a black wooden casing within which was a four-pronged detachable steel fork. "There is no question but what Walt had the knife made to order for the special purpose of preparing and eating wild fruit with it," suggested the editor of the Long-Islander.
7. This is probably the most distinctive looking Apple Store. Well, so far, anyway. And it's in SoHo, which, for the uninitiated (like me) is a neighborhood south of Houston Street. Houston in this context is pronounced (HOUSE-ton) not because New Yorker's are pretentious (like me) but because the named the street after the politician William Houstoun but they didn't spell it right (like I did).
8. Is that like Nyack the hymn tune?
9. Probably the most non-distinctive looking temple.
10. The birthplace of Joseph Smith
11. Isn't SouthPark in Colorado? These American names are starting to get really boring. We're like the richest country in the world. Can't we be more creative than this?
12. Southpoint? I fail to see how that's different from SouthPark. (Durham? I fail to see how that's different from Charlotte.)
13. Hey, snow! Where you at, Minnesota?
14. So Columbus discovered Native Americans but was hoping for India. Then Jesus discovers Native Americans. Who was he hoping for, Columbus?
15. You might wonder why Apple needs two stores in Tigard, Oregon. You probably are expecting me to tell you why a town with 41,223 needs two, but I can't come up with anything.
16. No, I'm not making that name up. Named for a local tavern in the 1700's it should really be Upper Merion Township. But let's face it, neither of these are good names.
18. You're probably wondering what happened to footnote 17. Frankly, I'm not missing it very much.
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selling diphthongs?
Yes, but they're not the kind you buy on Wheel of Fortune.
the owner of a bower at Bucklesfordberry?
Full daintily it is dight.
interested in touch lamps?
And fountain pens.
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