Epiphany 2025
I really like digital media except for one thing: there's no bargain bin.
Lately, I've been really fascinated by the music of Britney "oops, I dropped my baby . . . again" Spears's husband Kevin Federline.
There's something about his geographical identity (Fresno) and his repeated allusions to sockwear that I find alluring. Well, in truth, I was wondering about using him in my ongoing series on American creativity and organ improvisation.
K-fed is also an interesting example of a popular mass-mediated (this term from Mary Hess who commented at AKMA's Random Thoughts) artist whose output is now failing to find an audience.
I would buy his single PopoZão on iTunes if it weren't 99 cents. I mean, I can get movements of Sibelius symphonies for the same price.
Would iTunes sell more music by Cletus, as Federline is sometimes derided, if they lowered the price? Yes, but the online music store refuses to pass value judgments itself (though there is plenty of room for comments) and has no incentive to ever lower the price based on unpopularity.
iTunes is able to generate as much music as there is demand for, and in so doing has made music into a perpetually renewable resource. This is sort of fun, and it fits with my understanding of music, but it means that I will probably never hear some really bad songs.
Naked Violinist Scarcity: To the person on persons using ask.com to search for "pictures+of+naked+violinists," let me assure you that there are none on Sinden.org. However, based on my cursory knowledge of search engines, it is my understanding that this notice is flagrantly self defeating. You naked violinist picture searcher(s), you.
Music Tangent: I've never liked the idea of music competitions, because I don't really like the idea of music coming from scarcity. Music should come from abundance, I think. Lately, I've come to realize that I respond to music competitions in the same way a chef would likely respond to eating competitions.
Venn diagram tangent: How many naked violinists participate in eating competitions?
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selling diphthongs?
Yes, but they're not the kind you buy on Wheel of Fortune.
the owner of a bower at Bucklesfordberry?
Full daintily it is dight.
interested in touch lamps?
And fountain pens.
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