Christmas 2024/25
I found this draft of a liturgy stuck in my Presbyterian Hymnal Companion. It's dated September 22, 2002 (the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time).
It's like my very own predestined time capsule!
The names of the innocent have been removed. The definite article has not.
THE WELCOME THE CHIMES THE PRELUDE THE PREPARATION Welcome! The prophet Isaiah reminds us that "those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (40:31). Let us claim that wonderful promise as we present ourselves humble before God. ...IN PRAISE AND CONFESSION... THE CHRIST CANDLE** THE PROCESSIONAL * HYMN NO.492 Bunessan "BAPTIZED IN WATER" THE CALL TO WORSHIP One: Come to the fountain of life. All: Come to the streams of mercy. One: Come, dip in the reservoir of forgiveness, All: Immerse yourself in the waters of healing. One: Come, be renewed by the eternal springs., All: Be filled with overflowing blessing. One: Come, walk beside still waters, All: Be empowered by the rivers of justice. One: Come, all you yearning for meaning, hoping for truth, thirsting for God. All: Here, find your thirst quenched and your joy expanded. * THE PASSING OF THE PEACE ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CHORAL INTERLUDE THE PRAYER CONFESSION Loving Jesus, strong Shepherd, your love for us reaches from the cradle to the grave. there is no place or time or situation in which we are cut off from your care. Remind us of that love whenever we doubt our own worth, forget our blessing in baptism or act out of fear or anger. Forgive us for finding life boring or predictable, filled with routine and sameness when you have placed us in a garden. Turn our world upside down occasionally and surprise us with grace and joy. Keep us forever amazed at your love. You restore our souls and lead us to the house of love. Amen. THE ASSURANCE OF GOD'S PARDON Leader: Jesus gave the most extravagant gift of all -- the offering of himself for us. Through this selfless gift, we are set free, and our sins are forgiven. People: Thanks be to God! THE BAPTISMAL HYMN NO. 498 Kingdom "Child of Blessing, Child of Promise" Sacrament of Baptism ...LISTENING FOR GOD'S WORD... THE ANTHEM THE TIME WITH THE YOUNG CHURCH THE READINGS OF SCRIPTURE Matthew 20:1-11 Pew Bible New Testament Pg. 21-22 THE GLORIA PATRI THE MESSAGE "The First& the Last" ...OUR RESPONSE TO GOD'S WORD... HYMN NO. 338 African Melody "Kum ba Yah" THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Prayers Lord's Prayer Pg. 16 (Traditional) Choral Response THE PRESENTATION OF OUR OFFERINGS THE OFFERTORY * THE DOXOLOGY PRAYER OF DEDICATION Generous God, thank you for the gifts you bestow upon us daily. Make us aware of each blessing that comes our way -- and create in us the constant desire to be blessings for others. Bless what we bring before you, we pray. Amen. HYMN No. 525 Isaiah 6-9 "Here I Am Lord" * THE BENEDICTION *THE CHORAL RESPONSE THE POSTLUDE ................................ * PLEASE STAND IF ABLE...........THANK YOU **The Christ Candle is brought in at the beginning of the service symbolizing the light of Christ that we seek to be illuminated by during the service. The Christ Candle is taken out at the end of the service symbolizing the light of Christ that we are able to take with us out into the world. .....................................
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Yes, but they're not the kind you buy on Wheel of Fortune.
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Full daintily it is dight.
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