Epiphany 2025
Except for the sentence following this one, Sinden.org won't be updated for the rest of the month.
Right now I'm
Labels: weddings
At evensong tonight for the Feast of St. Luke we sang Psalm 67.
I'm not sure why we sang 67, but that doesn't metter much to this story. Actually, it makes this story much less effective. It's just that 67 isn't listed in my prayer book, so I'm just not sure where it came from. It is associated with evensong in the 1928 prayer book in as far as it is an alternate to the Nunc after the second lesson.
Anyway, Psalm 67 is also being sung at my wedding, so for me it was a Lukan Psalm convergence at my last evensong as an unmarried man tonight.
May God be merciful to us and bless us, *
     how us the light of his countenance and come to us.
Let your ways be known upon earth, *
     your saving health among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you, O God; *
     let all the peoples praise you.
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, *
     for you judge the peoples with equity
and guide all the nations upon earth.
     Let the peoples praise you, O God; *
let all the peoples praise you.
     The earth has brought forth her increase; *
may God, our own God, give us his blessing.
     May God give us his blessing, *
and may all the ends of the earth stand in awe of him.
p.s. It's windy outside. It'll be 78º on Sunday.
I got caught in a very small isolated storm system this evening. I was impressed both by its power and by its small size when I scoped it out on the radar at home.
Sunday's forecast seems unchanged.
I've always thought that my own wedding will be one of the easiest weddings I ever do. And this is true of the service (I think), but not of the preparation.
And so begins the storm before the calm.
Looks like a strong storm system will pass through our part of the Midwest on Thursday, but forecast highs for Sunday are up to 78º and sunny. I've even seen one forecast with the high up to 81.
Gee golly.
The projected high is up to 74º the low, 54º.
What was previously a 60% of rain has diminished to 20%.
There seems to be a superstition that precipitation, particularly rain, upon one's wedding day is bad luck. But if you think about how seldom it rains compared to when it does not, it is actually more rare to have rain during one's wedding. Even more so during the wedding liturgy itself (while this understandably could be less than desireable if a couple has elected to hold their wedding outdoors).
Here's hoping.
I've had a good run on the organ bench.
I've played the organ at an Episcopal cathedral or chapel every Sunday for the last 59 Sundays.
If you dig a little deeper, my general organ bench streak goes back quite a bit longer than that.
Next week, both streaks ends immediately prior to my wedding.
It will be nice to have a break.
Labels: organ
Thanks to the folks at a major weather website and their 10-day forecast, I'm able to get my first look at the weather for my wedding.
High of 70º, low of 45º, 60% chance of showers.
Sounds like a typical fall day here in the midwest.
Additional data:
Labels: weddings
Don't let the United Parcel Service keep you from speaking with a real live person with their crafty automated phone system at 1-800-PICK-UPS.
Incidentally, you should know that they chose this number after a focus group revealed that dialing 1-800-CHOOSE-THE-UNITED-PARCEL-SERVICE was a bit cumbersome
Just press 8.
You'll have to wait around for the next available representative, but at least you won't have to scream obscenities at the computer-voice woman.
You might try 9 too, but only if you speak Spanish.
Labels: randomness
The Hindu reports that the organ in St. Mark's Cathedral, Bangalore is playing again.
Fortunately the now electrified organ is "easier on the hands of the player".
I am sorely tempted by HD Radio, but I just can't justify buying one. What I really need is a replacement for my cheap CD clock radio. So what I need clock/HD Radio with a CD player.
Would you believe there's only one option, and it costs $600?
I've thought about buying just an HD Radio that costs a lot less and hooking a CD player up to the audio input, but it's just not the same. With that option, I would never be able to wake up to a CD, if I in fact chose to do that.
I hope HD Radio catches on a little more and someone makes some more reasonable priced models, especially models with a built in CD player.
Come on audio industry, don't let me down.
Labels: design
This strong-willed little guy wrapped himself around my banister three times in one day last week and he's still going strong. I'm not sure where he's headed.
Labels: science and nature
Two articles in tomorrow's New York Times are written with the cosmopolitain church nerd in mind.
First, the long overdue critique of churches' use of violent video games to lure young people through its doors: "Thou Shalt Not Kill, Except in a Game at Church"
And for the ecclesiastical traveler, there's a look at some of Paris's churches: "Worshiping Paris". A lot of the sites mentioned will be familiar to organists, though there are no mention of any organ in the article.
Labels: church music
In New Zealand they have "littlies". The littlie, mammal found only in New Zealand, is an aquatic marsupial used by foreign intelligence agencies for spying on the activities of New Zealanders -- especially the elderly, who in an ironic turn of events, have begun caring for them.
Howick grandmother Margaret Sinden received a letter of appreciation for her efforts during a recent ceremony. “We all had a letter,” says Mrs Sinden. “It was amazing what people did. People did sewing as well as knitting all kinds of things. There was a big table piled with garments. It was wonderful to see there was so much done.” She’s been knitting for the foundation since 2003 and loves making a difference to local littlies.
Labels: Sindens
Wow. I hope I can find a way down to Texas to take this in.
Tyler Music Coterie is scheduled to meet at 10:30 a.m. Thursday for a sacred music program and luncheon at First Baptist Church, 301 W. Ferguson St.Hymn of the month is "When the Treetops Whisper," led by Sammye Woodward with Patti Long at the piano. June Mauer is program leader, Coterie spokes-person Dorothy Lomax said.
Other selections include "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing," with Dorothy Lomax at the piano; "When in Our Music God is Glorified," with Huey Harpe on the organ; "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place," with Myra Brown on oboe and June Shull on piano; "Blessed Assurance," with Sally Clemmons joining the above on flute; "What Wondrous Love Is This," with Patti Long at the piano; "The Lord Is My Shepherd," vocalized by Elsie Ahlgren with Eleanor Garvey on piano; "This Is My Father's World," with Vi Rhodes at piano; and three sacred selections with June Shull on piano and Jeffrey Ford on organ.
Labels: church music, randomness
Robert Burns King, organist at First Presbyterian Church in Burlington, North Carolina, is giving a recital on the church's refurbished Schantz organ.
King’s program will showcase the new colors of the organ, including the new celesta, chimes, tuba and clarinet stops, and the Trompette en Chamade, which is the French term for trumpet pipes played horizontally.
I guess that's accurate, but the construction "French term for trumpet pipes played horizontally" is extrememly awkward. Can an organist play the organ horizontally? I'm thinking in particular of Louis Vierne's death.
Labels: organs
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Anne Timberlake
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conjectural navel gazing: jesus in lint form
Friday Night Organ Pump
Halbert Gober Organs, Inc.
in time of daffodils
Joby Bell, organist
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My Life as Style, Condition, Commodity.
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selling diphthongs?
Yes, but they're not the kind you buy on Wheel of Fortune.
the owner of a bower at Bucklesfordberry?
Full daintily it is dight.
interested in touch lamps?
And fountain pens.