Epiphany 2025
22:57 Right before the conclusion, the show settles into a very familiar rhythm. Mike is given an assignment, and drives out of the back of a semi WHAT? -- no -- it's a PLANE! This is geekily pleasing. It sure sets it up for the "next episode". Whether or not there is one, I don't know.
22:51 This was pretty lame, but it strikes me as similar to the original pilot for Knight Rider. I think all the elements are in place to make a cheesy weekly show, and I hope NBC does.
22:44 Denouement begins. That's it? I don't feel like we saw KITT do a whole lot. Not even a Turbo Boost?!
22:42 The bad guys SUV (was that a Ford?) wrecks into KITT, the FBI arrives. Charles is alright.
22:37 Mike and FBI Agent Rivai quickly take the upper hand despite being on their knees and not having guns. Charles is still caught.
22:33 Everyone is caught; Mike's mom dies. Orders to kill have been given and KITT can only be driven manually at this point. Doesn't look good.
22:29 Michael Knight is Mike Traceur's father. Nuts, KITT is being hacked. And the bad guys arrive.
21:21 A big todo is about to go down. Everyone is converging on a hotel. Looks like we're staying in the tradition of Mike not having a gun?
21:14 KITT knows Matthew 7:12
22:11 It is revealed that KITT utilizes solar power and gets 160 miles per gallon of gas.
22:08 Nope. Not a bad guy. Charles is in the clear. Turns out this is Mike's mom.
22:03 Thirteen minutes after learning he is alive, Charles is caught by a gun, presumably held by a bad guy, right before we go to commercial.
21:57 Plot is clarified: Mike spent time with the "Black River" security firm in Iraq. Sarah worked with her father on the encryption codes for all his work, which is ultimately what Black River is after.
21:50 Charles Graiman, Sarah's father who, is still alive. The man we saw in the opening seen was someone else.
21:49 Mike and Sarah are escaping in KITT. The usual introduction-to-KITT routine ensues.
21:40 Mike's plan to gamble for his winnings is interrupted by Sarah. Uh oh, the bad guys are in casino too.
21:38 A tender moment between KITT and Sarah.
21:32 So we're headed to Las Vegas to find Mike Tracer (the KITT driver-elect) , who I suspect will use KITT to get his $10,000? And Sarah's only been caught by the bad guys for four minutes including commercial. I suspect she will be caught again.
21:27 Special effect: KITT's skin transforms and the car is "disguised". Well, it has a new license plate.
21:21 Lines: "KITT: Sarah your fear is irrational and misplaced.
Sarah: Welcome to the world of being human."
21:20 Geez, even the bad guys drive a Ford.
21:18 The Knight Industries Three Thousand (KITT) arrives and Sarah is safe .
21:15 According to Wikipedia, this would be the first Knight Rider production to see the light of day since 1997.
21:12 Oh dear, Sarah's been caught by the bad guys, and we go to commercial, featuring the Ford Mustang.
21:08 Line: ". . . and the knocking doesn't sound like the hey-let's-all-grab-a-latte kind of knocking."
21:06 Tiny robots: classy. And the old license plate? "That's my kind of ride". Slow-motion special effects are a nice touch at this point. It's nice to see the bullets "handled" by the side of the car, and not simply bounce off. And cue credit sequence.
21:03 Guys in a yellow truck, clearly up to no good. Now look. They're bungling their own plan. Not exactly predictable, but not far off either. And we don't waste much time getting to KITT.
20:59 p.m. Here we go.
Labels: television
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