Epiphany 2025
What's wrong with this picture?
From St. John's, Cambridge's Pentecost webcast page
Labels: Pentecost
Thomas C. Boushall, vestryman and senior warden of St. Paul's, Richmond wrote an essay for Edward R. Murrow's radio program This I Believe.
An early battle with a serious illness changed his outlook on life. The Morris Plan Bank, which Boushall organized in July 1922 offered consumer credit and automobile loans to "the man on the street".
This I believe. There is a God to whom I can turn, as a child does toward a father, and offer myself to be of use and service as best the capacities with which He has endowed me will permit. If I seek to find the way He would have things go, and not try to make Him serve my ends, I can succeed in my endeavor. Whatever years yet are permitted to me, I believe I should offer to serve purposes other than my own.The degree by which I fail to live up to those beliefs is not the point. The major factor is that I believe in trying. The major result has been great happiness and satisfaction.
Read the entire essay
Labels: St Paul's (Richmond)
This 1939 Time magazine cover depicts Adolph Hitler as an organist. The cover inscription reads "From the unholy organist, a hymn of hate."
What part does this cartoonish depiction of the dictator playing creepy organ music have in the reputation of organs as instruments of horror played by outsiders and freaks?
Hitler as far, as I can tell, did not actually play the organ. But he did once donate to an organ fund, sort of:
Zalampas, Sherree Owens. Adolf Hitler: a psychological interpretation of his views on architecture, art, and music. Popular Press, 1990.
Labels: organ
The weekly broadcast of Choral Evensong from the BBC this week is an archive broadcast from Canterbury Cathedral. This service, recorded in August, 1988, was the last service recorded under the direction of Allan Wicks, organist and master of the choristers at Canterbury from 1961-1988.
Allan Wicks died earlier this year at the age of 86.
Obituaries: Guardian, Telegraph, Times
Labels: Allan Wicks, Canterbury Cathedral
Andrew Brown of the Guardian praises (as I read it) the prayer book wedding:
The great point about completely impersonal ceremonies, whose form is the same for everyone, whether these are religious or entirely civil, is that they remind us that the problems and difficulties of marriage are universal. They come from being human. They can't be dodged just by being our wonderful selves, even all dusted with unicorn sparkle."What's wrong with weddings." Andrew Brown's Blog.
Labels: weddings
Two rappers seem to be flirting with classical music lately.
First it was Kanye West who was listening to a classical radio station in New York City.
Now Dr. Dre is exploring territory first charted by Gustav Holst.
Labels: Dr Dre, Holst, Kanye West, music
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selling diphthongs?
Yes, but they're not the kind you buy on Wheel of Fortune.
the owner of a bower at Bucklesfordberry?
Full daintily it is dight.
interested in touch lamps?
And fountain pens.