Christmas 2024/25
I received the following email yesterday. I didn't have time to read it so, naturally, I'm posting it here.
from to cc date Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 16:25 subject Fwd: pipe organ hide details 16:25 (1 hour ago) In a message dated 6/14/2011 3:15:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: pipe organ availability I am in a position to broker the following consisting largely of several vintage organs: 1] a symphonic instrument from an academic institution 2] an ecclesiastical organ of 1920s and 1970s pipework from a now- defunct religious institution 3] additionally stock pipes of high qulaity plus new pipe fill in the missing elements for a gran american symphonic organ with american classic elements for a magnificent ensemble of great power, dignity, authority and endless color and nuance 4] a complete pipe organ to suite ANY budget as LOW as $79,865 for TEN pre-owned unit ranks: 1 diapason; 3 strings, 3 flutes;3 reeds all manual chests to be new off-set chests to be preowned or new an elegant vintage console with restored ivory keys and knobs and a new pedalboard with all new console solid-state controls all this plus on-site tonal finishing by expert flue and reed voicers to assure a custom fit write for more info thanx s bournias warren ohio ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: To:,,,, Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 15:15:52 EDT Subject: pipe organ pipe organ availability I am in a position to broker the following consisting largely of several vintage organs: 1] a symphonic instrument from an academic institution 2] an ecclesiastical organ of 1920s and 1970s pipework from a now- defunct religious institution 3] additionally stock pipes of high qulaity plus new pipe fill in the missing elements for a gran american symphonic organ with american classic elements for a magnificent ensemble of great power, dignity, authority and endless color and nuance 4] a complete pipe organ to suite ANY budget as LOW as $79,865 for TEN pre-owned unit ranks: 1 diapason; 3 strings, 3 flutes;3 reeds all manual chests to be new off-set chests to be preowned or new an elegant vintage console with restored ivory keys and knobs and a new pedalboard with all new console solid-state controls all this plus on-site tonal finishing by expert flue and reed voicers to assure a custom fit write for more info thanx s bournias warren ohio
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selling diphthongs?
Yes, but they're not the kind you buy on Wheel of Fortune.
the owner of a bower at Bucklesfordberry?
Full daintily it is dight.
interested in touch lamps?
And fountain pens.
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